BestKeeper© Software Determination
of stable housekeeping genes, differentially
regulated target genes and
sample integrity:
Determination of stable housekeeping
genes, differentially regulated
target genes The
stability of standard gene expression is an
elementary prerequisite for
internal standardisation of target gene expression
data and many so
called housekeeping genes with assumed
stable expression can exhibit either upor
down-regulation under some
experimental conditions. The developed, and
herein presented, software called BestKeeper
determines the best suited
standards, out of ten candidates,
and combines them into an index. The index can be
compared with further
ten target genes to decide, whether
they are differentially expressed under an applied
treatment. All data
processing is based on crossing points. The
BestKeeper software tool was validated on four
housekeeping genes and
10 members of the somatotropic axis
differentially expressed in bovine corpora lutea
total RNA. The
BestKeeper application and necessary information
about data processing and handling can be
downloaded on here.
download BestKeeper
version 1 <= Important
- Password protected files !!!
BestKeeper Excel spreadsheet ZIP files are password
protected. By receiving your requested passwords, we will include your e-mail address to our and mailing list, and you will receive our monthly appearing Gene Quantification Newsletter called qPCR NEWS and new information about real-time PCR hardware, software and chemistries. Important note - Computer configurations In
order to be able to run the Relative Expression
Software Tool
correctly Tools => Macro => Security =>
Trusted Sources and to set the 'Security Level' to 'Medium' as
shown in the following two screen shot pictures.
Page 1: Introduction & Input - real-time PCR Efficiency
Page 2: Input - of Housekeeping Gene CP Data
Page 3: Input - of Target Gene CP Data
Page 4: Output - HKG CP Data & Repeated Pair-wise Correlation Analysis of HKG
Page 5: Output - Repeated Pair-wise Regression Analysis of HKG
Page 6: Output - HKG CP Data & Repeated Pair-wise Correlation Analysis of HKG
Page 7: Output - Repeated Pair-wise Correlation and Regression Analysis of TG
Page 8: Output - Sample Intergrity
Page 9: Output - Graph of HKG CPs
Page 10: Output - Graph of TG CPs